Rafi Ahmed, PhD
CRWAD Keynote Speaker
Vaccine Center Director
Emory Vaccine Center
“T Cell Memory and Exhaustion: Implications for Immunotherapy”

Amesh Adalja, MD, FIDSA
CRWAD Keynote Speaker
Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security
“The Characteristics of Pandemic Pathogens”

Scott Dee, DVM, MS, PhD
African Swine Fever Special Symposium Speaker
Director of Pipestone Applied Research
Pipestone Veterinary Services
“The risk of feed for viral transport and transmission: What do we know and what can we do“

Waithaka Mwangi, PhD
African Swine Fever Special Symposium Speaker
College of Veterinary Medicine
Kansas State University
“Prospects for an African Swine Fever Virus Subunit DIVA Vaccine“

Raymond “Bob” R.R. Rowland, PhD
African Swine Fever Special Symposium Speaker
Professor and Head, Department of Pathobiology
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Illinois
“Novel tools for ASF control and prevention: 7 years’ research in Kansas Biosecurity Research Institute“

Paul Sundberg, DVM, PhD, DACVPM
African Swine Fever Special Symposium Speaker
Executive Director
Swine Health Information Center
“ASF: US prevention, preparedness and response“

Roy Curtiss, PhD
2020 ACVM Distinguished Microbiologist
Department of Infectious Diseases & Immunology
University of Florida Gainesville
“Converting a pathogen to become a servant“

Scott McVey, DVM, PhD, DACVM
2020 AAVI Distinguished Veterinary Immunologist
Director, Center for Grain and Animal Health Research
“A Journey Through Vaccine Valley“

Larry Glickman, VMD, DrPH
2020 AVEPM Calvin Schwabe Award Recipient
Professor Emeritus
Department of Comparative Pathobiology
College of Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
“Utilizing big data in veterinary medicine“

Shawn Bearson, PhD
Research Microbiologist
“DIVA vaccine cross-protects against Salmonella serovars in food animals“

Alan Beck, ScD
College of Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
“The Biology of the Human-Animal Bond“

Jay Calvert, PhD
“From Scientific Discovery to Commercial Product in 10 Easy Steps: The Case of CD163 and PRRS Vaccines“

Roy Curtiss, PhD
Department of Infectious Diseases & Immunology
University of Florida Gainsville
“Vaccine Discovery and Development – from Lab to Market Place“

Charlene Edinboro, DVM, PhD
“Small Animals – Big Data!”

Thomas Gallagher, PhD
Loyola University Chicago
“Host factors controlling susceptibility to coronavirus infections“

Cyril G. Gay, DVM, PhD
Senior National Program Leader, Animal Production and Protection
” The U.S. National Biodefense Strategy for developing veterinary countermeasures to prepare and respond to biological threat agents.”

Douglas Gladue, PhD
“Advances in African swine fever live-attenuated vaccines“

George Moore, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
Purdue University
“Big Data (Big Benefits or Big Obstacles?)”

Srinand Sreevatsan, BVSC, MVSC, MPH, PhD
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies
Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation
Michigan State University
“Mycobacterium-host interactions – Lessons from 25 years of research on a slow growing bacterium“

John H. Wyckoff III. PhD
Director of BioMARC
Colorado State University
“From Discovery to Corporate Development; Challenges between Academia and Commercialization.”
Congratulations to our 2020 Student Award Winners!
American College of Veterinary Microbiologists Awards (ACVM)
- Servane Payen– Abstract # 277- “Role of maturation of lipoproteins in the pathogenesis of the infection caused by Streptococcus suis“
- Taylor Heckman– Abstract #507- “We’ve got a live one! Generation of a live-attenuated vaccine to piscine streptococcosis”
- Mai Farghaly, Abstract #169- “Examination of the horizontal gene transfer dynamics of an integrative and conjugative element in Histophilus somni“
- Widaliz Vega Rodriguez– Abstract #274- “The role of the conserved alphaherpesvirus glycoprotein C in host-to-host transmission”
- Maverick Aradanas– Abstract #353-“Study of virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance in S. suis isolates using whole genome sequencing”
American Association of Veterinary Immunologists (AAVI)
- Jayne Wiarda– Abstract #379- “Single cell and deep transcriptomic analysis identify common and cell type specific genes in porcine immune cell”
- Pooja Choudhary– Abstract #537- “Immune responses in pigs following repeated intrauterine vaccination and passive protection in piglets”
- Graham Redweik– Abstract #374- “Reserpine increases Salmonella resistance in chicken intestinal explants via norepinephrine release”
- Mareva Bleuze– Abstract #365- “The G-CSF produced by sentinel immune cells induces neutrophil mobilization during Streptococcus suis infection”
- Kezia Fourie- Abstract #539- “Evaluation of antigen candidates for a Lawsonia intracellularis subunit vaccine”
- Jamison Slate- Abstract #393- “Prophylactic ursolic acid treatment modulates inflammatory responses during Mannheimia haemolytica infection”
The Animal Health Institute and Joseph J. Garbarino Foundation Biosafety and Biosecurity Awards
- C. Elijah– Abstract #140- “African swine fever virus distribution in a feed mill after manufacture of virus-inoculated feed”
- Gabrielle Miller– Abstract #491- “Insights into antimicrobial resistance and virulence in Salmonella spp. from snake samples through genomic approach”
NC1202 Enteric Diseases of Food Animals Awards
- Xiaoyu Niu– Abstract #563- “Mutation in the exoribonuclease of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus causes high genetic instability”
- Kush Kumar Yadav– Abstract #555- “Ectopic expression of genotype-1 Hepatitis E virus ORF4 increases genotype-3 HEV viral replication in cell culture”
- Rachel Soltys– Abstract #493- “High-resolution comparative genomics identifies Salmonella Kentucky ST198 and ST152 lineage-specific mutations”
Association for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine Awards (AVEPM)
- Min Zhang– Abstract #183- “Bayesian latent class mixture model with censoring for correlation in antimicrobial resistance across populations”
- Sejin Cheong– Abstract #315- “Survey of management and animal health practices on organic dairy herds in California”
The American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP)
- Macy Flowers– Abstract #297 – “Investigating the occurance of transplacental Anaplasma marginale transmission in endemic beef cattle herds”
Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (STVM)
- Kyle Hoffman– Abstract #443- “Protein antigens associated with seroreactivity of cattle producing reduced tick performance”
Thursday, Dec 3, 2020
- 11:00 am – 2:00 pm CST — Open test connection for registered participants.
Saturday, Dec 5, 2020
- 7:00 am CST – Recorded presentations become available online to registered participants.
- 9:45 am-10:00 am CST – Official Opening of CRWAD Conference – Dr. Amelia Woolums, President
- CRWAD Conference Keynote Speakers (Live-stream presentations that are being recorded)
- 10:00 -11:00 am CST – Rafi Ahmed – “T Cell Memory and Exhaustion: Implications for Immunotherapy”
- 11am – noon CST – Amesh Adalja – “The Characteristics of Pandemic Pathogens”
- BREAK 12:00 -12:30 pm CST
- Special Symposium on African Swine Fever (Live-stream presentations that are being recorded)
- 12:30 – 1:15pm CST – Paul Sundberg – “ASF: US prevention, preparedness and response.”
- 1:15-2:00 pm CST – Raymond R. R. (Bob) Rowland – “Novel tools for ASF control and prevention: 7 years’ research in Kansas Biosecurity Research Institute.”
- BREAK 2:00-2:15 pm CST
- 2:15-3:00pm CST – Scott Dee – “The risk of feed for viral transport and transmission: What do we know and what can we do.”
- 3:00 – 3:45 pm CST – Waithaka Mwangi – “Prospects for an African Swine Fever Virus Subunit DIVA Vaccine”
- BREAK 3:45-4:00 pm CST
- 4:00 – 5:00 pm CST – Interactive Q&A session with ASF speaker panel
Sunday, Dec 6, 2020
- View all recorded presentations, including sessions recorded on Saturday
Monday, Dec 7, 2020
- *ACVM Distinguished Microbiologist Symposium (Recorded Featured Speaker Presentations become available on Sat, Dec 5 at 7am)
- 10-10:45 am – Distinguished Microbiologist Awardee, Roy Curtiss, “Converting a Pathogen to Become a Servant” (Live-stream presentation that is being recorded)
- *10:45 -11 am CST Moderated panel discussion with Q&A for ACVM Featured Speakers
- Roy Curtis, PhD, 2020 ACVM Distinguished Microbiologist Awardee
- *Thomas Gallagher, PhD, “Host factors controlling susceptibility to coronavirus infections” (pre-recorded presentation)
- *Srinand Sreevatsan, BVSC, MVSC, MPH, PhD, “Mycobacterium-host interactions-Lessons from 25 years of research on a slow growing bacterium” (pre-recorded presentation)
- *AVEPM Calvin Schwabe Symposium (Recorded Featured Speaker Presentations become available on Sat, Dec 5 at 7am)
- 11:00 – 11:40 Presentation of Calvin Schwabe Award to Larry Glickman, (Live-stream presentation that is being recorded.
- *Moderated panel discussion with Q&A for Schwabe Symposium Featured Speakers
- Larry Glickman, DVM, PhD, 2020 Recipient of the Calvin Schwabe Award
- *Alan Beck, ScD, “The biology of the human-animal bond” (pre-recorded presentation
- *Charlene Edinboro, DVM, PhD, “Small animals-Big data!” (pre-recorded presentation)
- *George E. Moore, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, “Big data – Big benefits or big obstacles?” (pre-recorded presentation)
- *Moderated panel discussion with Q&A for Schwabe Symposium Featured Speakers
- 11:00 – 11:40 Presentation of Calvin Schwabe Award to Larry Glickman, (Live-stream presentation that is being recorded.
- CRWAD Organization Business Meeting
- 12:00-1:00pm CST – Live-stream presentation and discussion that is being recorded
- BREAK 1:00 -1:30 pm CST
- AAVI Distinguished Immunologist Symposium – Bridging the Gap: Vaccines from Concept to Usage
- 1:30-4:30pm CST – Live-stream presentations that are being recorded
- 1:30-2:30 PM – Distinguished Immunologist Awardee, D. Scott McVey, “A Journey Through Vaccine Valley”
- 2:30-3:00 PM – Jay Calvert, “From Scientific Discovery to Commercial Product in 10 Easy Steps: The case of CD163 and PRRS Vaccines.”
- 3:00-3:30 PM – Roy Curtiss III, “Vaccine Discovery and Development – from Lab to Market Place”
- 3:30-4:00 PM – Douglas Gladue,“Advances in African swine fever live-attenuated vaccines”
- 4:00-4:30 PM – Shawn Bearson, USDA-ARS, “DIVA vaccine cross-protects against Salmonella serovars in food animals”
- 1:30-4:30pm CST – Live-stream presentations that are being recorded
- 4:30 PM AVEPM Business Meeting
Tuesday, Dec 8, 2020
- View all recorded presentations, including sessions recorded on Saturday and Monday
- Animal Vaccinology Research Network Symposium
- 9:00- 12:00 PM CST – Live-stream presentations that are being recorded
- 9:00- 9:15 AM- Dr. Steven Geary, PhD, Update on the USAVRCN
- 9:15- 10:15 AM- Cyril Gay, DVM, PhD, “The U.S National Biodefense Strategy for developing veterinary countermeasures to prepare and respond to biological threat agents”
- 10:15- 10:35 AM- Moderated discussion with Q&A with Dr. Gay
- 10:35- 11:35 AM- John Wyckoff, PhD, “From Discovery to Corporate Development; Challenges between Academia and Commercialization.”
- 11:35- 11:55 AM- Moderated discussion with Q&A with Dr. Wyckoff
- 11:55- 12:00 PM- Closing Comments
- 9:00- 12:00 PM CST – Live-stream presentations that are being recorded
- BREAK 12-12:30 pm CST
- 12:30 – 1pm CST – Student Award announcements and closing remarks
*It is recommended that you view the pre-recorded presentations prior to joining the live-stream Q&A sessions.
FEATURED SPEAKER - CRWAD KEYNOTE | Rafi | Ahmed | T cell memory and exhaustion: implications for immunotherapy |
FEATURED SPEAKER - CRWAD KEYNOTE | Amesh | Adalja | Characteristics of microbes most likely to cause pandemics and global catastrophes |
FEATURED SPEAKER - ASF SYMPOSIUM | Paul | Sundberg | ASF: US prevention, preparedness, and response |
FEATURED SPEAKER - ASF SYMPOSIUM | Raymond (Bob) | Rowland | Novel tools for ASF control and prevention: 7 years’ research in Kansas Biosecurity Research Institute |
FEATURED SPEAKER - ASF SYMPOSIUM | Scott | Dee | Risk of feed for viral transport and transmission: What do we know and what can we do? |
FEATURED SPEAKER - ASF SYMPOSIUM | Waithaka | Mwangi | Prospects for an African Swine Fever Virus subunit DIVA vaccine |
FEATURED SPEAKER - ACVM | Roy | Curtiss III | Converting a pathogen to become a servant |
FEATURED SPEAKER - ACVM | Tom | Gallagher | Host factors controlling susceptibility to coronavirus infections |
FEATURED SPEAKER - ACVM | Srinand | Sreevatsan | Iron regulation in Mycobacterium paratuberculosis – A tale of two regulators |
FEATURED SPEAKER - SCHWABE SYMPOSIUM | Larry | Glickman | Big data to the rescue of ProHeart6: how a drug once declared unsafe by FDA returns to the market |
FEATURED SPEAKER - SCHWABE SYMPOSIUM | Alan | Beck | The biology of the human-animal bond |
FEATURED SPEAKER - SCHWABE SYMOSIUM | Charlene | Edinboro | Small animals - big data! |
FEATURED SPEAKER - SCHWABE SYMPOSIUM | George | Moore | Big data (big benefits or big obstacles?) |
FEATURED SPEAKER - AAVI | Scott | McVey | A journey through vaccine valley |
FEATURED SPEAKER - AAVI | Jay | Calvert | From scientific discovery to commercial product in 10 easy steps: The case of CD163 and PRRS vaccines |
FEATURED SPEAKER - AAVI | Roy | Curtiss III | Vaccine discovery and development – from lab to market place |
FEATURED SPEAKER - AAVI | Douglas | Gladue | Advances in African swine fever live-attenuated vaccines |
FEATURED SPEAKER - AAVI | Shawn | Bearson | DIVA vaccine cross-protects against Salmonella serovars in food animals |
FEATURED SPEAKER - AVRN SYMPOSIUM | Cyril | Gay | The significance of veterinary vaccines for the U.S National Biodefense Strategy |
FEATURED SPEAKER - AVRN SYMPOSIUM | John | Wyckoff | From discovery to corporate development; challenges between academia and commercialization |
FEATURED SPEAKER - AVRN SYMPOSIUM | Steven | Geary | United States Animal Vaccine Research Coordination Network (USAVRCN) |
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER | W | Mwangi | Efficacy of prototype live-vectored African swine fever virus vaccines |
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER | W | Mwangi | PARTNERSHIP: Single-cycle Replicon-based African Swine Fever Virus Subunit Vaccine |
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER | Dustin | Petrik | Surveillance and detection of African Swine Fever Virus in pork products using the MatMaCorp Solas 8 platform |
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER | Douglas | Gladue | Discovery of stable cell lines for both African swine fever vaccine production and ASFV diagnostics |
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER | Beatriz | Martínez-López | Tracing African swine fever: viral evolution and disease transmission in the Southern African Development Community |
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER | Jane | Pouzou | Partitioning© A framework to design cost-effective on-farm ASF surveillance in endemic areas |
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER | Anne | De Groot | Immunogenic T cell-directed African Swine Fever vaccine designed with immunoinformatic tools |
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER | Fangfeng | Yuan | Development of a blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibodies against ASFV |
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER | Hachung | Yoon | Tracking visit to pig farms of livestock vehicles after passing through affected areas of ASF in wild boars |
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER | Cecilia | Balestreri | Develop a risk-free in situ non-animal (RISNA) megavirus surrogate assay for ASFV |
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER | C | Elijah | African swine fever virus distribution in a feed mill after manufacture of virus-inoculated feed |
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER | Ebanja Joseph | Ebwanga | The current situation of African swine fever in Cameroon |
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER | Kaushalya | Kuruppu | Predicting global risk of introduction of African Swine Fever (ASF) using spatial neighborhood |
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER | Cecilia | Balestreri | Develop a risk-free in situ non-animal (RISNA) megavirus surrogate assay for ASFV |
ANTIMICROBIAL ALTERNATIVES | Gerlinde | Van de Walle | Equine mesenchymal stromal cells display antimicrobial properties in an ex vivo skin biofilm explant model |
ANTIMICROBIAL ALTERNATIVES | Nadine | Vogt | A scoping review of the evidence for the medicinal use of natural honey in animals |
ANTIMICROBIAL ALTERNATIVES | Dipak | Kathayat | Peptides affecting membrane phospholipid transport as novel therapeutics against avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) |
ANTIMICROBIAL ALTERNATIVES | Cassie | Krebill | Evaluating the effectiveness of organic therapies on the treatment and management of bovine digital dermatitis |
ANTIMICROBIAL ALTERNATIVES | Daniel | Nelson | The multi-domain PlySs9 cell wall hydrolase is a potential therapeutic against Streptococcus suis |
ANTIMICROBIAL ALTERNATIVES | Daniel | Nelson | Pre-clinical studies on an enzyme therapeutic for S. uberis-associated bovine mastitis |
ANTIMICROBIAL ALTERNATIVES | Jennifer | Timmons | Phage Endolysins As Alternative Antibiotics To Control Clostridia In Poultry |
ANTIMICROBIAL ALTERNATIVES | David | Sheedy | Non-antimicrobial options for prevention or treatment of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis: A Scoping Review |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - CATTLE | Débora | Goulart | The influence of enrofloxacin and danofloxacin on fluoroquinolone resistance in Campylobacter jejuni in calves |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - CATTLE | Reta | Abdi | Geographical distribution and abundance of multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in milk and beef production |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - CATTLE | Alyssa | Toillion | Impact of Chlorotetracyline on the selection of Antimicrobial Resistance in E.coli and Enterococcus in Beef Cattle |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - CATTLE | John | Ekakoro | Antimicrobial susceptibility in E. coli isolated from cattle specimens submitted to diagnostic laboratory, 2010-19 |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - CATTLE | Kayla | Strong | Antimicrobial resistant enterococci in the beef production system: a cross-sectoral scoping review |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - CATTLE | William | Crosby | The effect of tulathromycin on morbidity and prevalence of Mannheimia haemolytica Genotype 2 in 84 stocker heifers |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - CATTLE | David | Sheedy | Effect of antimicrobial treatment on rate of gain and loss of antimicrobial resistance in California dairy cattle |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - CATTLE | Essam | Abdelfattah | Antimicrobial resistance of fecal Escherichia coli and Enterococci from California dairy cows by region and season |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - CATTLE | Elisa | Cella | Estimating the rate of acquisition and loss of ceftiofur resistance in preweaned dairy calves |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - CATTLE | Benti | Gelalcha | Prevalence and detection of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in dairy cattle farm environments in East Tennessee |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - CATTLE | Sheryl | Gow | Antimicrobial resistance in Enterococcus spp. recovered from feedlot cattle and associations with antimicrobial use |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - COMPANION ANIMAL | Reta | Abdi | Dogs as reservoirs of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - COMPANION ANIMAL | Mu | Jin | Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria Transmission between Humans and Companion Animals: A Scoping Review |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - COMPANION ANIMAL | John | Ekakoro | Antimicrobial susceptibility of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolated from dog specimens, 2010-2019 |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - COMPANION ANIMAL | John | Ekakoro | Antimicrobial susceptibility of E. coli isolated from diagnostic canine specimens, 2010-2019 |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - COMPANION ANIMAL | Ning | Zhang | Uncovering Escherichia coli multidrug resistance patterns among dogs with association rule mining |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - COMPANION ANIMAL | Laurel | Redding | Veterinarian Perceptions of Antimicrobial Use Metrics for Hospital-Based Stewardship in the United States |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - COMPANION ANIMAL | Laurel | Redding | Posters have limited utility in conveying a message of antimicrobial stewardship to pet owners |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - GENOMICS | Nigatu | Atlaw | Resistome characterization of extended spectrum β-lactamase E. coli from sheep and abattoir environment |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - GENOMICS | Breanna | Shi | Bioinformatic analysis of microbiome composition and associated antimicrobial resistance genes in rumen data |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - GENOMICS | Mai | Farghaly | Examination of the horizontal gene transfer dynamics of an integrative and conjugative element in Histophilus somni |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - GENOMICS | Karen | Liljebjelke | Genomic analysis of an Integrative Conjugative Element conveying antimicrobial resistance in Histophilus somni |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - GENOMICS | Jessica | Hicks | Single nucleotide polymorphism analysis of bovine Mannheimia haemolytica isolates |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - GENOMICS | Noelle | Noyes | Evaluating the discriminative capacity of resistome variants |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - GENOMICS | Jared | Young | Fecal microbiome-resistome dynamics of PRRSV-challenged pigs under varying antimicrobial drug exposures |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - MODELING AND SURVEILLANCE | Ece | Bulut | Comparison of different biomass methodologies to adjust sales data on veterinary antimicrobials in the US |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - MODELING AND SURVEILLANCE | Sam | Rowe | Partial Budget Analysis Of Culture And Algorithm Guided Selective Dry Cow Therapy |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - MODELING AND SURVEILLANCE | Mustapha | Abatcha | Antimicrobial resistance in Streptococcus suis isolates from USDA's Antimicrobial Resistance Pilot Project, 2019 |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - MODELING AND SURVEILLANCE | Sneha | Jha | Establishing an AMR surveillance system in the USA to analyze the E. coli resistome across the One Health spectrum |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - MODELING AND SURVEILLANCE | Karun | Kaniyamattam | The economic costs of antibiotic use constraints in U.S. integrated beef supply chains: A systems approach |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - MODELING AND SURVEILLANCE | Dana | Tschritter | Modeling human exposure and risk to fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter from retail chicken in Canada |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - MODELING AND SURVEILLANCE | Ximin | Zeng | Critical role of 3'-downstream region of pmrB in regulating colistin resistance in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - MODELING AND SURVEILLANCE | Min | Zhang | Bayesian latent class mixture model with censoring for correlation in antimicrobial resistance across populations |
ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE - MODELING AND SURVEILLANCE | Brittany | Morgan | Using Bayesian Networks to Identify MIC Distribution Profiles for E. coli Isolates from Dairy Heifers in California |
ANTIMICROBIAL STEWARDSHIP - CATTLE | Rafael | Portillo | Inter-observer agreement between veterinarians and farm caretakers: a hierarchical survey of antimicrobial use |
ANTIMICROBIAL STEWARDSHIP - CATTLE | Jessica | Pempek | A survey of individual and group-level antimicrobial usage on veal farms in the United States |
ANTIMICROBIAL STEWARDSHIP - CATTLE | Jessica | Pempek | The impact of a bundled intervention on the accuracy of veal calf producer diagnoses for antimicrobial treatments |
ANTIMICROBIAL STEWARDSHIP - CATTLE | Sebastian | Llanos-Soto | International survey of veterinarians' perceptions about antibiotic use and resistance on dairy cattle farms |
ANTIMICROBIAL STEWARDSHIP - CATTLE | Dennis | Makau | Drivers of antimicrobial use in pastoral communities in Kenya |
ANTIMICROBIAL STEWARDSHIP - CATTLE | Anett | Szczepanek | Antimicrobial drug use and health outcomes in pre-weaned California dairy calves |
ANTIMICROBIAL STEWARDSHIP - CATTLE | Essam | Abdelfattah | Antimicrobial use and stewardship practices on California dairies post restriction of over-the-counter sales |
ANTIMICROBIAL USE | Ece | Bulut | How does public perception of antibiotic use on dairy farms contribute to preference for organic? |
ANTIMICROBIAL USE | Alec | Lucas | Economic Impact of Removing Arrival Metaphylaxis in the U.S. Stocker and Feedlot Industry |
ANTIMICROBIAL USE | T | Uyama | Associations among management practices and antimicrobial use for calf diarrhea on Canadian dairy farms |
ANTIMICROBIAL USE | Laurel | Redding | Comparison of animal daily doses and days of therapy for antimicrobials in species of veterinary importance |
ANTIMICROBIAL USE | Randall | Singer | On-farm monitoring of antimicrobial use and resistance in U.S. broiler production |
ANTIMICROBIAL USE | Breanna | Almeida | Quantitative estimates of antimicrobial use in veal calves |
AQUACULTURE | Diem Thu | Nguyen | Challenge model of piscine streptococcosis in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus l.) fingerlings |
AQUACULTURE | Christian | Schuttert | Vibrio coralliilyticus RE22 kills oyster larvae and prey bacteria using two Type Six Secretion Systems |
AQUACULTURE | Esteban | Soto | Efficacy of glucans as immunostimulants to white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus |
AQUACULTURE | David | Paez | Implications of specialization of a salmonid rhabdovirus for disease management |
AQUACULTURE | Taylor | Heckman | Streptococcus iniae biofilms enhance environmental persistence and resistance to antimicrobials and disinfectants |
AQUACULTURE | Lora | Petrie-Hanson | Trained macrophages and non-target protection against Edwardsiella ictaluri and E. piscicida in channel catfish |
AQUACULTURE | Larry | Hanson | Sublethal microcystin LR exposure of channel catfish induces liver pathology and altered phagocyte function |
AQUACULTURE | Evan | Jones | Assessment of F. psychrophilum virulence in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) |
AQUACULTURE | Joao | Romero | DTU-DADS-Aqua: a simulation framework to assist infectious disease management planning in marine aquaculture |
AQUACULTURE | Hajarooba | Gnanagobal | Response of Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) to Renibacterium salmoninarum chronic infection |
AQUACULTURE | Luke | Oliver | Development of an anti-IgM monoclonal antibody for burbot (Lota lota) |
AQUACULTURE | Bradley | Richardson | Haplotype and genomic variation in atypical Aeromonas hydrophila (aAh) of channel catfish aquaculture in the US |
AQUACULTURE | Irene | Salinas | Contributions of organized nasopharynx-associated lymphoid tissue to rainbow trout immune response to vaccination |
AQUACULTURE | John | Hansen | An update from the Collaborative Immune Reagent Network for Aquacultured Species (CIRNAS) |
AQUACULTURE | Jie | Ma | Characterization of maternal immunity following vaccination of broodstock against IHNV or F. psychrophilum in trout |
AQUACULTURE | Trung | Cao | Isolation and characterization of outer membrane vesicles from the fish pathogen Moritella viscosa |
AQUACULTURE | Cristopher | Segovia | Vibrio anguillarum stress response through ncRNAs to different temperature and limitation of nutrients. |
AQUACULTURE | Surendra | Kumar | Transcriptional response of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) to Aeromonas salmonicida infection reveals novel pathways |
AQUACULTURE | Umasuthan | Navaneethaiyer | Comparative Genomics and Virulence of Pseudomonas fluorescens Isolated from Wild Cunners (Tautogolabrus adspersus) |
AQUACULTURE | Ahmed | Hossain | Role of CspB and CspD proteins in aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida genomics, physiology, and virulence |
BACTERIOLOGY | Anand | Karki | Staphylococcus aureus enhances biofilm formation, aerotolerance, and survival of Campylobacter at low temperature |
BACTERIOLOGY | Hong-Tae | Park | Analysis of initial stage of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection with in vitro granuloma model |
BACTERIOLOGY | Han Sang | Yoo | Animal Models for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Infection |
BACTERIOLOGY | Jared | Jochum | ESBL-producing bacteria detected in commercial poultry farms |
BACTERIOLOGY | Sydney | Schnur | Relative isolation rates of bacteriophages lytic to Fusobacterium necrophorum from rumen and sewage samples |
BACTERIOLOGY | Bahram | Shojadoost | Inoculation of lactobacilli mixture reduces lesions and modulates gut microbiota in chicken necrotic enteritis |
BACTERIOLOGY | Luis | Fernandes | Development and application of CRISPR-interference (CRISPRi) in pathogenic Leptospira |
BACTERIOLOGY | Alejandra | Rivolta | EDTA inhibits Rhodococcus equi growth in vitro |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Douglas | Rhoads | Bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis in broilers: pathogen genomics, and management strategies |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Lucas | Pantaleon | Alternative techniques to protect environmental surfaces |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Gireesh | Rajashekara | Novel Therapeutic Leads; Demonstration of efficacy, safety, and applicability of anti-APEC molecules in chickens |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Kathleen | O'Hara | Descriptive and multiple factor analysis of the North Macedonian pig sector: implications for disease transmission |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Julia | Smith | Interactions and innovations generate insights for influencing biosecurity adoption in agricultural animal systems |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Umanga | Gunasekera | Molecular surveillance of foot-and-mouth disease virus at slaughterhouses in Vietnam |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Madison | Sokacz | Controlling Bovine Leukemia Virus in young stock and cows by identifying and removing super-shedders |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Mark | Jutila | Isolation of potential therapeutic, lytic bacteriophage for Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (M. ovi). |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Andreia | Arruda | Perceived risks and benefits for participation in poultry disease monitoring programs in the US: a cluster analysis |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Andreia | Arruda | A systematic review on emergency mass-depopulation methods for swine |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Emily | Kent | Control of Salmonella Dublin in a dairy herd |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Sylvia | Checkley | Prevalence factors associated with fluoroquinolone resistant Campylobacter jejuni in broiler flocks in Canada |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Montserrat | Torremorell | Significant inactivation of airborne coronavirus in a ducted ultraviolet-C (UV-C) System |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Eric | Clark | Harnessing emergent digital tools for quantifying agricultural disease risk preferences |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Gabriela | Bucini | Connecting livestock disease and market dynamics to human biosecurity decisions |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Brindhalakshmi | Balasubramanian | Effect of eugenol nanoemulsion on the structure, composition, and microbial load in Listeria monocytogenes biofilm |
BIOSECURITY & INFECTION CONTROL | Suja | Aarattuthodi | Channel catfish virus targeted management approaches in catfish aquaculture |
BOVINE RESPIRATORY DISEASE | Tara | McDaneld | Characterization of the respiratory microbiome and virome associated with bovine respiratory disease complex |
BOVINE RESPIRATORY DISEASE | Paiton | McDonald | Applications of thoracic ultrasonography to evaluate progression and severity of bovine respiratory disease |
BOVINE RESPIRATORY DISEASE | Thomas | Inzana | In vitro characterization of poly-microbial biofilms by bovine respiratory disease pathogens |
BOVINE RESPIRATORY DISEASE | Thomas | Inzana | The role of the global regulator Hfq and small RNAs in the regulation of virulence factors in Histophilus somni |
BOVINE RESPIRATORY DISEASE | William | Crosby | Comparison of 3 sampling methods for recovery of Mannheimia haemolytica from feedlot cattle |
BOVINE RESPIRATORY DISEASE | Hector | Rojas | Associations of pen management characteristics and cattle morbidity in the first 45 days after feedlot arrival |
BOVINE RESPIRATORY DISEASE | Clinton | Jones | Progesterone stimulates bovine herpesvirus 1 gene expression and reactivation from latency. |
BOVINE RESPIRATORY DISEASE | Amelia | Woolums | Blood biomarker discovery in high-risk stocker cattle at-arrival: differentiating respiratory health and disease |
BOVINE RESPIRATORY DISEASE | Florencia | Meyer | Replication of Bovine herpesvirus 1.1 is influenced by the co-infection of Mannheimia haemolytica. |
BRUCELLOSIS | Dr Adamu | Saidu | Studies on Intra-ocular Vaccination of Adult Cattle with Reduced-Dose Brucella abortus Strain-19 Vaccine |
BRUCELLOSIS | Daniel | Nthiwa | Incidence of Brucella spp. in various livestock species raised under the pastoral production system in Kenya |
BRUCELLOSIS | Steven | Olsen | Immune responses and efficacy of two different vaccination strategies in elk against brucellosis |
BRUCELLOSIS | Woo Bin | Park | Analysis of TLR expression in the macrophages derived from different hosts of the stimulation with Brucella canis |
BRUCELLOSIS | Sonia | Vection | A new drug to fight Brucellosis? |
DIAGNOSTIC TESTING | James | Stanton | MinION-based RACE-Seq of infectious bronchitis viruses from tissues and FTA cards |
DIAGNOSTIC TESTING | Reta | Abdi | A multiplex immunochromatogarphic lateral flow assay for detection of ESBL and carbamenemase-producer bacteria |
DIAGNOSTIC TESTING | Kimberly | Lehman | Development of a PCR screening test for Mycobacteria tuberculosis in Elephant Trunk Washings |
DIAGNOSTIC TESTING | Syeda Anum | Hadi | Application of pathogen-specific biomarkers to enhance specificity of bovine TB diagnosis |
DIAGNOSTIC TESTING | Maggie | Buktenica | ELISA protocol for novel caprine coronavirus and serologic survey of exposed goat herds in Northern California. |
DIAGNOSTIC TESTING | Qun Treen | Huo | A Rapid Test to Monitor the Immune Status Change and Disease Risk of Dairy Cows during the Periparturient Period |
DIAGNOSTIC TESTING | Eric | Vogel | Development of capture antigens & sensor functionalization procedures for viral respiratory bovine health screening |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Yun | Tian | Using receptor affinity and IFN-inductive propensity of ACE2 to predict SARS-COV2 susceptibility in vertebrates |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Feng-Qi | Zhao | LCM-seq analysis of local and systemic responses of mammary epithelial cells in cows locally treated with LPS |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Ashley | Putman | Isoprostanes reduce reactive oxygen species production and apoptosis in a bovine model of oxidative stress |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Prabha | Bista | The role of outer membrane proteins in attachment and pathogenicity of Fusobacterium necrophorum |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Widaliz | Vega Rodriguez | The role of the conserved alphaherpesvirus glycoprotein C in host-to-host transmission |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Jennifer | Wilson-Welder | Treponeme-associated hoof disease of wild elk in sheep model |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Thea | Johnson | Experimental Infection of Specific-Pathogen-Free Domestic Lambs with Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | M | Chirivi | Endotoxin enhances lipolytic responses and impairs insulin sensitivity in bovine adipose tissue |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Brandon | Ruddell | Characterizing the regulatory interactions of small RNAs CjNC110 and CjNC140 of Campylobacter jejuni IA3902 |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Greta | Krafsur | Metabolism And Inflammation Predict Cardiopulmonary Disease Outcomes In Fattening Beef Cattle: Histopathology |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | S | Lin | Langat Virus Inhibits STAT3 Signaling via Blocking Its Phosphorylation |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Renae | Sieck | Mandibulofacial dysostosis caused by a recessive mutation in Hereford cattle |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | S | Payen | Role of maturation of lipoproteins in the pathogenesis of the infection caused by Streptococcus suis |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Emily | Arndt | Inducing Streptococcus suis disease in nursery piglets challenged by serotype 2 |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Joseph | Smith | Development of a caprine respiratory disease induction model for Pasteurella multocida P1063 (type A3). |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Li | Ma | Big-data Genomic Investigation to Improve Dairy Cattle Health |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Hans | Cheng | Genomic screens to identify causative polymorphisms accounting for Marek's disease genetic resistance in chicken |
DISEASE PATHOGENESIS | Udeni | Balasuriya | Host-Virus Interactions Mediating Equine Arteritis Virus Persistence in the Stallion Reproductive Tract |
EPIDEMIOLOGY | Nicholas | Black | Description of turnover events of animal caretakers in Ohio swine farms |
EPIDEMIOLOGY | Julian | Montoya Lopez | Prevalence of PRRSv, PEDv, PDCoV and TGEv in pig farm manure pits |
EPIDEMIOLOGY | Huiwen | Wang | Isolation and characterization of the emerging pathogen Escherichia albertii in broilers in Mississippi and Alabama |
EPIDEMIOLOGY | Margaret | Khaitsa | Empowerment of small-holder women in East Africa using poultry production |
EPIDEMIOLOGY | Christopher | Chase | The presence of persistent bovine viral diarrhea virus infection and a novel bosavirus in a bison herd |
EPIDEMIOLOGY | Michael | Becker | Describing outbreaks and identifying vectors of bluetongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus in Louisiana |
EPIDEMIOLOGY | Mohamed | Zeineldin | Large-Scale Survey of Prion Protein Genetic Variability in Scrapie Disease-Free Goats from the United States. |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - CATTLE | Alexis | Thompson | Measures of passive maternal immunity and the occurrence of negative health events in pre-weaned beef calves |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - CATTLE | Viola | Chemis | Characteristic climatic patterns that precipitate outbreaks of Rift Valley fever in East Africa |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - CATTLE | Sabina | Ponicki | Preliminary results from a survey of farm-to-market pathways for Minnesota beef cattle |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - CATTLE | Allison | Andrews | Surveillance of bovine anaplasmosis Tennessee beef cattle |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - CATTLE | Macy | Flowers | Investigating the occurance of transplacental Anaplasma marginale transmission in endemic beef cattle herds |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - CATTLE | Nora | Mimoune | Contribution to the study of genital tract pathologies of cows in Algeria |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - CATTLE | Nora | Mimoune | Ovarian tumors in cattle |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - COMPANION ANIMAL | Keegan | Jones | A system dynamics model of shelter capacity for care |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - COMPANION ANIMAL | Mohammad | Howard-Azzeh | The impact of cannabis legislation, socioeconomic and dog characteristics on cannabis poisoning reports of US dogs |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - COMPANION ANIMAL | Grace | Nichol | Isolation and strain-typing of Borrelia burgdorferi from ticks on dogs |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - COMPANION ANIMAL | Maggie | Murphy | Effect of functional feed additive on digestibility of two grass hays with similar neutral detergent fiber content |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - COMPANION ANIMAL | Gregory | Ballash | Comparative phylogeny, antimicrobial resistance, and virulence of canine and human uropathogenic Escherichia coli |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - COMPANION ANIMAL | Jun Gu | Kang | Canine severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome in Republic of Korea |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - COMPANION ANIMAL | Jun Gu | Kang | Prevalence of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus in cats |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - DAIRY CATTLE | Vinicius | Machado | The association of cow related factors with metritis cure risk, fertility, milk yield, and culling |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - DAIRY CATTLE | Cassandra | Reedman | Randomized control trial examining the effects of xylazine sedation in calves disbudded with a cautery iron |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - DAIRY CATTLE | Hanne | Goetz | Biomarkers measured at arrival associated with morbidity, mortality and average daily gain in male dairy calves |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - DAIRY CATTLE | Julia | Saraceni | Disbudding and dehorning practices for pre-weaned dairy calves by farmers in Wisconsin, USA |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - DAIRY CATTLE | Zelmar | Rodriguez | Milk characteristics, health and reproduction of dairy cows based on the temporal diagnostic of hyperketonemia |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - DAIRY CATTLE | Paul | Bartlett | Impact of bovine leukemia virus on cow longevity and production |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - DAIRY CATTLE | Paul | Bartlett | Control of bovine leukemia virus in dairy cattle |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - DAIRY CATTLE | Paulo | Menta | Incidence, risk factor, and impact of metritis in dairy cows housed in dry-lots. |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - DAIRY CATTLE | Bo | Norby | Impact of Bovine Leukemia Virus infection on disease incidence and severity in dairy cattle |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - DAIRY CATTLE | Benjamin | Tverdy | Effects of serum total protein on health measures, average daily gain, and metabolites in the Holstein dairy calf. |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - DAIRY CATTLE | Sejin | Cheong | Survey of management and animal health practices on organic dairy herds in California |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - DAIRY CATTLE | P. | Kimeli | Effects of housing improvements on the growth of heifer calves on Kenyan smallholder dairy farms |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - DAIRY CATTLE | P. | Kimeli | Evaluation of environmental and comfort enrichment on lying behaviours in heifer calves on smallholder dairy farms |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - MODELING | Fredrick | Otieno | Predicting spatial distribution of anthrax and identifying the influencing factors in southern Kenya |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - MODELING | Colleen | Webb | Modeling Swine Movement Patterns and Disease Surveillance at the U.S. National Scale |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - MODELING | Kimberly | VanderWaal | Tracking the dispersal of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus in Uganda using novel phylodynamic methods |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - MODELING | Kaushi | Kanankege | Use of rehabilitation data to monitor spatiotemporal trends of wildlife health in Minnesota |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - MODELING | Lindsay | Beck-Johnson | Forecasting foot and mouth disease outbreaks using multi-model ensembles |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - MODELING | Walker | Hyche | Exploring state-level risks for introducing chronic wasting disease into wild cervid populations |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - MODELING | Nakarin | Pamornchainavakul | Estimating farm-level reproductive numbers for PRRSV using sequence-based transmission tree analysis |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - MODELING | Jessica | Dennehy | Modelling Pasteurella multocida dynamics within free living amoeba in soil in the Kazakhstan steppe |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - MODELING | Heather | Walker | Modeling avian influenza virus transmission dynamics in migratory waterfowl to assess risk to pig populations |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - MODELING | Igor | Paploski | Forecasting PEDV outbreaks at the farm-level in the U.S. swine industry |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - MODELING | Dennis | Makau | Role of animal movements in PRRS spread in the U.S. swine industry |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - MODELING | Megan | Coffman | Use of an integrated modeling approach to assess risk of windborne transmission of Foot and Mouth Disease |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - MODELING | Dapeng | Hu | Leveraging evidence from meta-analyses to determine the sample size of subsequent trials |
EPIDEMIOLOGY - MODELING | Fangshu | Ye | Assessing randomized controlled trial designs and statistical analyses for the comparative efficacy of treatments |
GENOMICS | Douglas | Rhoads | Validation of a SNP panel for selection for ascites resistance in broilers |
GENOMICS | Maksim | Lebedev | Response of the lung transcriptome to antiviral and ibuprofen in calves with respiratory syncytial virus infection |
GENOMICS | David | Salcedo-Tacuma | Effect of parturition and lactation on adipose tissue transcriptomic profiles in dairy cows |
GENOMICS | Derek | Bickhart | US UK Collaborative Project: Reassembly of cattle immune gene clusters for quantitative analysis |
GENOMICS | Matthew | Scott | Distinct gene expression patterns associated with BRD identified by statistical and machine learning approaches |
GENOMICS | Matthew | Scott | Multi-tissue transcriptomic analysis of BRSV-infected cattle using machine learning and statistical approaches |
GENOMICS | Ciarra | Lahuis | Identification of BoLA alleles associated with BLV provirus levels in US beef cattle |
GENOMICS | Reta | Abdi | An ice-cold independent competent cell preparation for gene editing by CRISPR-Cas9 |
GENOMICS | Melissa | Monson | Early splenic responses to avian pathogenic Escherichia coli infection identified in downstream RNA-seq analyses |
GENOMICS | Daniel | Ciobanu | Investigation of the host genetics role in PCV2 infections |
GENOMICS - BACTERIOLOGY | Ellie | Putz | Distinct transcriptional profiles of Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo strains JB197 and HB203 |
GENOMICS - BACTERIOLOGY | Kristina | Ceres | Exploring mechanisms of accessory genome evolution the clonally evolving Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex |
GENOMICS - BACTERIOLOGY | Maverick | Aradanas | Study of virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance in S. suis isolates using whole genome sequencing |
GENOMICS - BACTERIOLOGY | Zhiyi | Zheng | Genomic islands analysis of Klebsiella pneumoniae associated with bovine mastitis |
GENOMICS - BACTERIOLOGY | Enrique | Doster | Analytic approach impacts pathogen population structure when analyzing whole-genome sequence data |
GENOMICS - VIROLOGY | John | Dunn | The role of host genetics on transmission of Marek's disease virus in poultry |
GENOMICS - VIROLOGY | Fanos | Woldemariyam | VP1 sequence based genetic diversity of SAT2 foot-and-mouth disease virus circulating in ethiopia from 1990 to 2015 |
GENOMICS - VIROLOGY | Hyunjung | Chung | Evolution of Mexican-lineage low pathogenic avian influenza (H5N2) viruses in Dominican Republic, 2007-2019 |
GENOMICS - VIROLOGY | Diana | Cruz-Pulido | Host genome profiles of human and pig intestinal epithelial cells during porcine delta coronavirus infection |
GENOMICS - VIROLOGY | Willian | Pinto Paim | Virome characterization of show pig serum raised in Oklahoma demonstrated great diversity of ssDNA viruses |
GENOMICS - VIROLOGY | Willian | Pinto Paim | Virome analyses in commercial batches of bovine serum from North America and New Zealand |
GENOMICS - VIROLOGY | Gisela | Soboll Hussey | Transcriptomic profiling of equine and viral genes during eqine herpesvirus-1 viremia |
IMMUNOLOGY | Suji | Kim | Characteristics of canine macrophages post Mycobacterium intracellulare infection in relation to Th17 responses |
IMMUNOLOGY | Graham | Redweik | Reserpine increases Salmonella resistance in chicken intestinal explants via norepinephrine release |
IMMUNOLOGY | Gourapura | Renukaradhya | Development and characterization of new swine immune reagents to understand immune correlate for vaccines/infection |
IMMUNOLOGY | S. | Rodriguez-Zas | Effect of gestational viral infection on offspring immune signaling pathways in the amygdala |
IMMUNOLOGY | S. | Rodriguez-Zas | Combined effects of stressors across ages on blood chemokine profiles in the pig |
IMMUNOLOGY | Ellie | Putz | Circulating foamy macrophages found in the blood of the golden Syrian hamster model of leptospirosis |
IMMUNOLOGY | Damarius | Fleming | Too Much Of A Good Thing: Antiviral Response and Tissue Damage During Respiratory Infections in the Porcine Lung |
IMMUNOLOGY | Kim | Giessler | Use of the old horse model to identify host factors contributing to EHM pathogenesis |
IMMUNOLOGY | M | Bleuzé | The G-CSF produced by sentinel immune cells induces neutrophil mobilization during Streptococcus suis infection |
IMMUNOLOGY | Juber | Herrera-Uribe | Single cell and deep transcriptomic analysis identify common and cell type specific genes in porcine immune cell |
IMMUNOLOGY | Federico | Zuckermann | Bacillus-based microbials lower the pathogenic synergy of a Salmonella Choleraesuis and PRRS virus co-infection |
IMMUNOLOGY | Jayne | Wiarda | Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals pig intestinal innate lymphoid cells and unique activation profiles of T cells |
IMMUNOLOGY | Lauren | Le Page | Genomic organization and expression of the swine WC1 multigenic array of hybrid coreceptor/PRR molecules |
IMMUNOLOGY | Elisabeth | Larson | IgE-binding monocytes have an enhanced ability to produce IL-8 (CXCL8) in animals with naturally occurring allergy |
IMMUNOLOGY | Bettina | Wagner | Development of equine immune reagents |
IMMUNOLOGY | Shakirat | Adetunji | Porcine macrophage-like cell line C∆2+ is susceptible to Japanese encephalitis virus infection |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Renato | May Rossi | Changes in biomarkers of metabolic stress during late gestation of dairy cows associated with colostrum volume |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Segundo | Casaro | The use of blood myeloid and lymphoid cell profiles to predict metritis in dairy cows |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Zhengguo | Xiao | Synergistic activation of bovine CD4+ T cells by IL-12 and neutrophils |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Laurel | Gershwin | Viperin expression in Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus infected calves |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Sabine | Mann | Pharmacological mTOR inhibition alters phenotype and function of bovine monocyte-derived macrophage subsets |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Wilmer | Cuervo | Impact of Oxidative Stress on Vaccine Responsiveness in Neonatal Dairy Calves |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Suyeon | Hong | The role of immunogenic engineered exosomes in bovine respiratory syncytial virus |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Suyeon | Hong | Phenotypic and functional characterization of mucosal associated invariant T cells from bovine |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Jamison | Slate | Prophylactic ursolic acid treatment modulates inflammatory responses during Mannheimia haemolytica infection |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Brina | Lopez | Generating bovine monocyte-derived dendritic cells in serum-free medium for experimental and clinical applications |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Carsten | Walker | Endocannabinoid concentrations and receptor expression in cultured bovine endothelial cells challenged by endotoxin |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Merrilee | Thoresen | Synthetic mRNA transfection induces expression of antibodies against Tritrichomonas foetus surface antigen TF1.17 |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Turner H. | Swartz | β-hydroxybutyrate impaired mammary gland defense during a Streptococcus uberis challenge in dairy cows |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Erica | Behling-Kelly | Optimization of curcumin solubility and encapsulate loading to improve gastrointestinal absorption in the cow. |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Afroza | Akter | Immunological response to naturally occurring bovine respiratory disease in stocker cattle during early management |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Lauren | Eichberger | Linking Bovine Leukemia Virus pro viral load with single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the bovine MHCII DRB3 locus |
IMMUNOLOGY - CATTLE | Tess | Altvater-Hughes | Comparing colostral natural antibody IgM titers in high, average, and low immune responder dairy and beef cows |
IMMUNOLOGY - POULTRY | Nadiyah | Alqazlan | Probiotic lactobacilli limit avian influenza virus H9N2 replication in chicken cecal tonsil mononuclear cells |
IMMUNOLOGY - POULTRY | Ines | Dieryck | Toward the discovery of novel serum immune biomarkers for intestinal health monitoring in poultry |
IMMUNOLOGY - POULTRY | Mohammadali | Alizadeh | In ovo and oral administration of probiotic lactobacilli modulate immune responses in newly hatched chickens |
IMMUNOLOGY - POULTRY | Ayumi | Matsuyama-Kato | Chicken gamma delta T cell is one of the IFN-γ and TGF-β+ sources against Marek's disease virus infection |
IMMUNOLOGY - POULTRY | Bahram | Shojadoost | In ovo inoculation of vitamin A modulates chicken embryo immune functions |
IMMUNOLOGY - POULTRY | Jegarubee | Bavananthasivam | Regulatory microenvironment in feathers of chickens infected with very virulent Marek's disease virus |
MASTITIS | Feng-Qi | Zhao | Systemic and local responses of cytokines and tissue histology in intramammary endotoxemia in dairy cows |
MASTITIS | Leticia | Fernandes | Impact of subclinical mastitis detected in the first month of lactation on performance of organic dairy cows |
MASTITIS | Sam | Rowe | Prospective cohort study of post-calving udder health in cows with intramammary infections in late lactation |
MASTITIS | Danielle | Scarbrough | Mastitis vaccine antigen discovery using proteomics and transcriptomics of Staphylococcus aureus grown in milk |
MASTITIS | Benjamin | Enger | Investigations of the impact of intramammary infection on the developing bovine mammary gland |
MASTITIS | Jaimie | Strickland | Retinoic acid affects barrier integrity in bovine mammary endothelial cells |
MASTITIS | Wagdy | ElAshmawy | Effect of Intramammary Antibiotics, Internal Teat Sealants, or both at Dry-off in Dairy Cows: II. Milk production |
MASTITIS | Wagdy | ElAshmawy | Effect of Intramammary Antibiotics, Internal Teat Sealants, or both at Dry-off in Dairy Cows: I. Health outcomes |
MASTITIS | Vengai | Mavangira | Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase enzyme activity during severe bovine coliform mastitis |
MICROBIOME | Landon | Warder | Characterization of the bulk tank milk microbiome from Prince Edward Island commercial dairy farms |
MICROBIOME | Ashenafi | Beyi | A single dose of enrofloxacin alters gut microbial diversities irrespective of its dose in beef calves |
MICROBIOME | Carl | Yeoman | Development of Climactic Oral and Rectal Microbiomes Corresponds to Peak Immunoglobin Titers in Lambs |
MICROBIOME | Megan | Niederwerder | Assessing the microbiome as a tool for the mitigation of viral disease in nursery pigs |
MICROBIOME | Nusrat | Jahan | Metagenomic surveillance of foodborne pathogens at the rodent-agricultural interface using Nanopore sequencing |
MICROBIOME | Pratiksha | Khanal | Impact of a modified live porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus vaccine on the gut microbiome of pigs |
MICROBIOME | Mengfei | Peng | Environmental influences of high-density agricultural animal operation on human forearm skin microflora |
MICROBIOME | Radhey Shyam | Kaushik | Role of nasal microbiome in respiratory immunity in pigs |
MICROBIOME | Ola | Elsakhawy | Metagenomic Approach for Identification of Microbial Co-infections in Zoonotic Infectious Diseases |
MICROBIOME | Nikolay | Filipov | Understanding the fescue toxicosis plant-animal integrome in grazing beef through integrative interactomics |
MICROBIOME | Kathy | Mou | Differential impact of OTC regimen on growth and gut microbiota of pigs co-infected with respiratory pathogens |
MICROBIOME | Tui | Ray | The microbiome of common bedding materials, before and after use on commercial dairy farms |
MICROBIOME | Enrique | Doster | Liver abscess syndrome in cattle: new insights from metagenomic investigations |
MICROBIOME | Amanda | Ziegler | Dietary oligosaccharides modulate microbiome, enteric glia, and epithelial barrier function in a neonatal pig model |
MICROBIOME | Timothy | Bruce | Growth performance and gut microbiota in cultured burbot (Lota lota maculosa) fed dietary plant-based proteins |
MICROBIOME | Paul | Morley | Comparision of DNA stabilization methods for preservation of metagenomic samples collected from cattle |
PARASITOLOGY | Paola | Boggiatto | Case Report: Fading elk syndrome in a herd of captive elk (Cervus elaphus) in the North American Midwest |
PARASITOLOGY | William | Witola | Phosphoethanolamine methyltransferases inhibitors with broad-spectrum anthelmintic effect for livestock nematodes |
PARASITOLOGY | Joseph | Busch | A high level of cryptic cattle fever tick movement occurs in southern Texas via both wildlife and infested cattle |
PARASITOLOGY | Lindsay | Fry | A U.S. isolate of Theileria orientalis Ikeda is transmitted to cattle by invasive Asian longhorned ticks |
PARASITOLOGY | Bret | Elderd | Host-pathogen coevolution in a changing environment: the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) and its baculovirus |
PARASITOLOGY | Raffi | Aroian | A paraprobiotic cure for gastrointestinal nematode parasites of livestock |
PARASITOLOGY | Cyril | Akwo | Surveillance of ticks and tick-borne diseases in Canada: A framework for a One Heath approach |
PARASITOLOGY | Patricia | Pietrantonio | Towards novel acaricide development against cattle fever tick: GPCR target validation by RNAi and chemical leads |
PARASITOLOGY | Eunice | Ndegwa | Improved blood parameters and reduced parasite eggs detected in pastured goats fed pelleted stinging nettle |
PARASITOLOGY | Emily | Robinson | Assessing the spread of the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis, and the agent of Lyme disease in Ontario, Canada |
PARASITOLOGY | Massaro | Ueti | A Pioneering Approach to Tick Control: Anti-tick Toxins Delivered via Transfected Babesia bovis |
PARASITOLOGY | Kathryn | Reif | Comparison of multiple chlortetracycline regimens to control diverse Anaplasma marginale strain infection |
PARASITOLOGY | Kyle | Hoffman | Protein antigens associated with seroreactivity of cattle producing reduced tick performance |
PARASITOLOGY | Samuel | Shahzad | Adaptation of a tick performance model system to cattle infested with Dermacentor variabilis |
PHYSIOLOGY | Julio | Giordano | Improving dairy cow health monitoring and management using automated sensors |
PHYSIOLOGY | Zelmar | Rodriguez | Does early lactation milk yield modify the impact of hyperketonemia in dairy cows? |
PHYSIOLOGY | Kyan | Thelen | Early life stress in pigs induces a developmental shift in gut epithelial glucose transporter systems |
PHYSIOLOGY | Pedram | Rezamand | Early life stressors affect health of dairy calves |
PHYSIOLOGY | Laura | Hernandez | Periparturient immune depression and disease is due to dysregulation of calcium homeostasis and metabolic syndrome |
PHYSIOLOGY | Hannah | Golightly | Physiological changes in nursery piglets following transport of different durations in the Canadian summertime |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Pratik | Katwal | Role of the zinc metalloprotease-ZMPSTE24 in Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) virus replication |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Yunjeong | Kim | Inhibition of PRRSV and swine influenza virus by knockdown of host factors |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Manuel | Jara | Drivers of PRRS virus dispersal among pig production systems in the United States |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Angelica | Van Goor | Reproductive PRRS: Gene expression differences elucidate mechanisms of fetal viral level and demise |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Alba | Frias-De-Diego | PRRSV infection and oxidative stress modulation by selenium |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Chia-Ming | Su | Inhibition of type 1 IFN signaling by PRRSV nsp5 through blocking STAT2 nuclear translocation |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Chia-Ming | Su | Immunological responses are dampened during co-infection of NF-κB activation negative PRRSV and Streptoccus suis |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Laura | Miller | Validation of a PRRSV live-virus potentiated by replication-competent expression of porcine interferons |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Kimberly | VanderWaal | Quantifying sequential dominance of PRRSV strains through classification of sub-lineages |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Jayeshbhai | Chaudhari | Host transcriptome reveals putative genes involved in persistent infection with a live-attenuated PRRSV strain |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Young-Min | Lee | Host factors involved in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus entry |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Hung | Luong | Simultaneous measurement of antibody reactivities against PRRSV structural proteins |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Young | Tang | Small Molecules Block the Interaction of PRRSV with CD163 Receptor and the Infection of Pig Cells |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Levon | Abrahamyan | Dynamic protemics of PEDV and PRRSV infections |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Jessica | Proctor | Modified live virus vaccine induces heterologous immunogenicity and partially protects against type-2 PRRSV strains |
PORCINE RESPIRATORY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYNDROME | Raymond (Bob) | Rowland | Preventing PRRS through modifications in the virus receptor CD163 |
POULTRY | Ana | Perez | Pathogenicity and transmission of Canadian wild type and vaccine revertant Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus |
POULTRY | Jinji | Pang | Protection against Campylobacter by fecal microbiota transplantation in newly hatched broiler chickens |
POULTRY | Sugandha | Raj | Establishing experimental transmission models for H9N2 avian influenza virus (AIV) in chickens |
POULTRY | Mohit | Bansal | Inhibition of mTOR Signaling attenuates chicken necrotic enteritis induced intestinal inflammation |
POULTRY | Mohit | Bansal | Assessment of primary and secondary bile acids against chicken necrotic enteritis |
POULTRY | Robert | Valeris-Chacin | Campylobacter dynamics in broilers raised to five and eight weeks of age |
POULTRY | Tumelo | Shokwe | Predictors of death on arrival (DOA) among chickens slaughtered at a poultry abattoir, South Africa |
PUBLIC HEALTH AND ZOONOSIS | Nadine | Vogt | Epidemiology of Campylobacter jejuni in raccoons on swine farms and conservation areas in southern Ontario, Canada |
PUBLIC HEALTH AND ZOONOSIS | Gustavo | Lopez | Detection of influenza A virus in pig farm workers |
PUBLIC HEALTH AND ZOONOSIS | Camila | Hamond | Assessing rodents as carriers of pathogenic leptospires in the U.S. Virgin Islands. |
PUBLIC HEALTH AND ZOONOSIS | Julia | Desiato | Evolution and spread of rabies virus in Connecticut and its neighboring states |
PUBLIC HEALTH AND ZOONOSIS | Christine | Neustaedter | What was in that food?! A scoping review of risk factors for infection with antimicrobial-resistant Campylobacter |
SALMONELLA | Mariela | Srednik | Antimicrobial resistance and genomic characterization of Salmonella Dublin isolates in cattle from United States |
SALMONELLA | Nora Jean | Nealon | Occupational exposure of dairy farm workers and working environment to multidrug resistant Salmonella enterica |
SALMONELLA | Elise | Overgaard | Cellular activity of ArtAB toxin from bovine Salmonella Typhimurium |
SALMONELLA | Gabrielle | Miller | Insights into antimicrobial resistance and virulence in Salmonella spp. from snake samples through genomic approach |
SALMONELLA | Rachel | Soltys | High-resolution comparative genomics identifies Salmonella Kentucky ST198 and ST152 lineage-specific mutations |
SALMONELLA | María | Bernad-Roche | Salmonella infection in nursery pigs: a matter of concern? |
SALMONELLA | Niamh | Caffrey | Salmonella spp. prevalence and antimicrobial resistance in broiler chicken and turkey flocks in Canada (2013-2018) |
SALMONELLA | Stephany | Barrera | Main risk factors for perpetuating Salmonella spp. serovars in dairies in Mexico |
VACCINOLOGY | Massimiliano | Baratelli | Antibody response against Canine Parvovirus of client-owned dog puppies after vaccination with bivalent vaccines |
VACCINOLOGY | Jen-Jie | Lee | Characterization of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis membrane vesicles and E. coli outer membrane vesicles |
VACCINOLOGY | Adel | Talaat | Kinetics of ruminant immunity elicited by live attenuated vaccine against Johne's disease. |
VACCINOLOGY | Cristina | Solis | Stabilizer selection for a live recombinant Herpesvirus vaccine candidate |
VACCINOLOGY | Jinjing | Liu | Outer membrane vesicles of Fusobacterium nucleatum: antigenicity, composition, and virulence |
VACCINOLOGY | Daniel | Acosta | The Peste des Petites Ruminants vaccine value chain in Karamoja: who has access to the vaccine and who does not? |
VACCINOLOGY | Jeffrey | Hall | An inactivated, universal Salmonella epitope vaccine protects piglets from Salmonella choleraesuis disease |
VACCINOLOGY | Magen | Francis | H1N1 influenza virus preimmunity improves antibody response to vaccination through regulation of germinal center |
VACCINOLOGY | Karen | Coker | Peste des petits ruminants and newcastle disease Vaccine Value Chains in Senegal: access and womens engagement |
VACCINOLOGY - AQUACULTURE | Taylor | Heckman | We've got a live one! Generation of a live-attenuated vaccine to piscine streptococcosis |
VACCINOLOGY - AQUACULTURE | Jose | Vasquez | Infection kinetics and immune response to vaccination in cultured sablefish (A. fimbria) against A. salmonicida |
VACCINOLOGY - AQUACULTURE | Bradley | Richardson | Protective effects of vaccine and killed culture against atypical Aeromonas hydrophila (aAh) in Ictalurus punctatus |
VACCINOLOGY - AQUACULTURE | Banikalyan | Swain | Development of a Generalized Recombinant Attenuated Edwardsiella piscicidan Vaccine Vector System (RAEVs) |
VACCINOLOGY - CATTLE | Reginaldo | Bastos | Targeting subdominant rhoptry-associated proteins of Babesia bovis in a subunit vaccine to protect cattle against bovine babesiosis |
VACCINOLOGY - CATTLE | Adelaide | Pereira | Efficacy in the reduction of IBR prevalence when Hiprabovis® IBR marker live vaccine was used after an outbreak. |
VACCINOLOGY - CATTLE | Raul | Barletta | Development and testing of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis DIVA vaccines in ruminants |
VACCINOLOGY - CATTLE | N | Sangewar | Improved vaccine platforms for safe and effective control of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus |
VACCINOLOGY - CATTLE | Jennifer | Wilson-Welder | Bovine immune response to Leptospira infection and vaccination: antigen delivery in novel adjuvants and platforms |
VACCINOLOGY - CATTLE | David | Martínez | Passive immunity from colostrum offers clinical protection to young calves against experimental challenge with BRSV |
VACCINOLOGY - CATTLE | John | Angelos | Efficacy of intranasal vaccination with Moraxella spp antigens plus growth medium against bovine pinkeye |
VACCINOLOGY - CATTLE | Demian | Bellido | Novel subunit targeted vaccine against BVDV: development and field results |
VACCINOLOGY - CATTLE | Hector | Santo Tomas | Impact of vaccination with HIPRABOVIS SOMNI/Lkt on ADG, days on feed, mortality and treatments associated with BRD |
VACCINOLOGY - CATTLE | Hector | Santo Tomas | Efficacy of blocking IBR viral circulation using a double-deleted gE-/tk- vaccine on a dairy farm |
VACCINOLOGY - CATTLE | William | Davis | Simultaneous epitope recognition by CD4 and CD8 T cellsessential for cytotoxic T-cell development |
VACCINOLOGY - CATTLE | Karim | Abdelsalam | Development of a protective BRSV IgA mucosal response IFOMA with a parenteral adjuvanted vaccine |
VACCINOLOGY - POULTRY | John | Dunn | Enhancing the production of type I interferon to create rationally-defined Marek's disease vaccines in chickens |
VACCINOLOGY - POULTRY | Jose Luis | Losada Torres | Evaluation of Immunity With the Application of Newcastle Inactivated Vaccine in Different Doses to Day-old chicks |
VACCINOLOGY - POULTRY | Ping-Han | Chung | MDV Vaccination Monitoring with Feather Pulp and Spleen in (Layer/Breeder) by POCKIT™ Central PCR system |
VACCINOLOGY - POULTRY | Ana | Perez | Recombination signals present in Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus from Canada involves routinely used vaccines |
VACCINOLOGY - POULTRY | Spencer | Leigh | Genomic comparison of Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccine and virulent strains |
VACCINOLOGY - POULTRY | Nadiyah | Alqazlan | Probiotic lactobacilli enhance immunogenicity of an inactivated H9N2 influenza virus vaccine in chickens. |
VACCINOLOGY - POULTRY | Jegarubee | Bavananthasivam | Combination of probiotics and vaccination for enhancing protection against Marek's disease virus infection |
VACCINOLOGY - POULTRY | Ying | Fu | Vaccinating chickens with crude Clostridium perfringens sporulation product reduces necrotic enteritis |
VACCINOLOGY - POULTRY | Gary | Closs Jr. | Recombinant attenuated Salmonella vaccines reduce Campylobacter colonization and induce IgY antibodies in chickens |
VACCINOLOGY - POULTRY | Sabrina | Buharideen | Evaluation of host responses induced by two infectious bronchitis vaccination strategies in laying hens |
VACCINOLOGY - POULTRY | Mark | Parcells | The role of exosomes in Marek's disease virus lymphomagenesis and immunity |
VACCINOLOGY - POULTRY | Lívia Maria | Soares | Comparison of fertility after application of two salmonella vaccines containing different types of oil emulsion |
VACCINOLOGY - SWINE | pooja | choudhary | Immune responses in pigs following repeated intrauterine vaccination and passive protection in piglets. |
VACCINOLOGY - SWINE | Kezia | Fourie | Evaluation of antigen candidates for a Lawsonia intracellularis subunit vaccine |
VACCINOLOGY - SWINE | Sabine E. | Hammer | Association of SLA haplotypes with B- and T-cell immune response to foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) peptides |
VACCINOLOGY - SWINE | Juan F | Hernandez-Franco | Activation of porcine dendritic cells by a novel nanoparticle/poly(I:C) combination adjuvant |
VACCINOLOGY - SWINE | HYUNJIN | SHIN | Porcine epidemic diarrhea vaccine evaluation using a newly isolated strain from Korea |
VACCINOLOGY - SWINE | Gaurav | Rawal | Development and validation of a real-time RT-PCR for detection of PRRSGard®-like vaccine virus |
VACCINOLOGY - SWINE | Agm | Rakibuzzaman | Directing suicidal viral replication as a strategy for rapid attenuation |
VACCINOLOGY - SWINE | Swan | Tan | H1N1 G4 swine influenza T cell epitope cross-conservation in swine and human vaccines and circulating strains |
VACCINOLOGY - SWINE | Suzanna | Storms | The effects of oral antibiotic administration on vaccine-induced H1N1 influenza immune responses in weanling pigs |
VACCINOLOGY - SWINE | Jeffrey | Hall | A universal epitope-based Streptococcus suis vaccine induces strong mucosal IgA and serum IgG responses in piglets |
VACCINOLOGY - SWINE | Michelle Rose | Goodman | Investigating the effect of vaccination and diet on post-weaning E. coli diarrhea in pigs |
VACCINOLOGY - SWINE | Shafiqul | Chowdhury | Novel Pseudorabies Virus (PRV) Vectored bivalent Vaccine against Classical Swine Fever and Porcine Circo viruses |
VACCINOLOGY - SWINE | Agm | Rakibuzzaman | Enhancing oral delivery of a minimally replicative porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) vaccine |
VACCINOLOGY - SWINE | Hemachand | Tummala | Multifunctional Pathogen-Mimicking Vaccine Delivery System for Influenza Vaccine. |
VIROLOGY | Shahnas Mohamed | Najimudeen | Tissue tropism of 4/91 Infectious Bronchitis Virus variant following infection of laying hens |
VIROLOGY | Andrea | Krieter | Marek's disease alphaherpesvirus UL13, virion protein US10, and cellular LY6E in horizontal transmission |
VIROLOGY | Molly | Carpenter | Effects of temperature on bluetongue virus evolution after coinfection of Culicoides sonorensis |
VIROLOGY | Christina | Leyson | Matrix and nucleoprotein segments of a 2016 H5N8 HPAI virus are major drivers of high mortality in mallards |
VIROLOGY | Kush Kumar | Yadav | Ectopic expression of genotype-1 Hepatitis E virus ORF4 increases genotype-3 HEV viral replication in cell culture |
VIROLOGY | C Joaquin | Caceres | Antigenic landscape of the hemagglutinin of H9 subtype influenza A viruses |
VIROLOGY | Krishani | Perera | Small molecule inhibitors of rabbit hemorrhagic disease viruses |
VIROLOGY | Thomas | Hansen | BVDV compromises fetal immune organ development leading to post-natal predisposition to secondary infections |
VIROLOGY - SWINE | Qiuhong | Wang | Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus nsp1 is an interferon antagonist and a determinant of virulence |
VIROLOGY - SWINE | Chong | Li | Dynamics of influenza A virus shedding in the upper and lower respiratory tract of pigs using a co-infection model |
VIROLOGY - SWINE | Chong | Li | Genotypic characterization of swine influenza virus reassortants in vaccinated and non-vaccinated pigs |
VIROLOGY - SWINE | X | Niu | Mutation in the exoribonuclease of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus causes high genetic instability |
VIROLOGY - SWINE | Jongsuk | Mo | Transmission of an influenza A virus with human seasonal H3 in pigs resulted in adaptive mutations in the HA gene |
VIROLOGY - SWINE | Yusheng | Guo | Evaluation of bacteria-rotavirus-glycan interactions using a novel porcine intestinal enteroid model |
Statement on COVID-19 and plans for CRWAD 2020
CRWAD is going virtual in 2020 and offer the lowest registration fees in decades!
The COVID-19 pandemic has created uncertainty and difficulties for people throughout the world. Concerns about health and safety, travel restrictions, limits in the ability of people to gather, as well as financial difficulties are being faced by people throughout the world. Because of these very real concerns, the COVID-19 situation dictates that we will not be able to gather to in-person for the CRWAD 2020 meeting as previously planned. Despite the dramatic changes to the way we conduct our daily lives, it has been inspiring to watch people adapt to changing circumstances. These adaptations have even created unprecedented opportunities.
In this spirit of innovation, we are excited to offer the largest and most unique CRWAD meeting that has ever been held! We are pleased to announce that all CRWAD 2020 activities will be held virtually to protect our attendees and to improve the ability of scientists to participate in this unique scientific conference. Additionally, in an effort to overcome financial hardships that may be faced by the scientific community, the CRWAD Executive Council has elected to dramatically cut registration fees for 2020. All Senior Scientists that register to attend CRWAD 2020 will also receive 1-year of complementary membership in CRWAD as a special benefit during this extraordinary time.
All CRWAD 2020 activities will be conducted online, and your registration will provide access to the entire CRWAD 2020 program via the internet. A limited number of featured presentations and interactive Q&A sessions will be available by live-stream on Dec 5-8. Additionally, recordings of all presentations will be available for 6 months by secure login to all registered participants. For the first time ever, this on-demand presentation system means that you won’t have to miss a single presentation because of scheduling conflicts.
We will miss seeing you all in Chicago, but we are excited that you will be able to enjoy the biggest CRWAD meeting we have ever held!
More information about submitting abstracts and participating in CRWAD 2020 is available on the CRWAD website:
NOTE: The deadline for entering graduate student competitions has been extended to September 15th.