We are pleased to announce exciting new opportunities for remote presentations and remote attendance for CRWAD 2020!
Remote access will provide wider opportunities for participation in CRWAD 2020 than we have ever had in the past, both for attendees and also for presenters. Presenters and attendees can participate from around the world without leaving their homes. We are still planning to offer the same exciting meeting, which for 100 years has been one of the most important animal research meetings in the world. Visit our web page frequently at CRWAD.org to get the latest updates on the schedule, for conference events, including talks made by preeminent featured speakers and state-of-the-art research presentations.

REMOTE PRESENTATIONS: This year, abstracts will be submitted for remote presentation, thanks to our partners from Preseria.com. We have used this content management system for the past 3 years and it has performed flawlessly. We are working together to develop a customized system for on-demand delivery of video presentations that will be tailored to the needs of CRWAD participants.
- Authors wishing to submit abstracts for consideration as a remote presentation will use our normal management system (available at ABSTRACT).
- If accepted, presenters will record a MP4 video (maximum of 15 minutes) of their presentation using freely available software (e.g., Zoom recording of voice over PowerPoint), which will be uploaded to the Preseria system.
- We will provide easy-to-follow tutorials which will walk presenters through each step in the process for recording and uploading their presentations.
- At the time of the conference, specially formatted web pages will allow registered participants to view these video presentations and PDF of slides, and even ask the authors questions and discuss the research using a public comment stream.
- Our on-demand presentation plan will maximize the opportunities for your research to have widest possible viewing and impact in the scientific community.
- Presenters must be registered participants of CRWAD 2020.
- Abstracts presented remotely may be entered in student award competitions if submitted by September 15th.
REMOTE ATTENDANCE: All of the digital content from CRWAD 2020 will be released for remote on demand viewing to registered participants on December 5th. This includes:
- Pre-recorded research abstracts and featured speaker presentations.
- Recordings of live streamed events.
Additional Information: