2017 Featured Speakers

CRWAD Council Keynote Speaker
Jack A. Gilbert, PhD
“Invisible influence: the Microbiome in precision medicine”
Faculty Director, The Microbiome Center; Professor, Department of Surgery University of Chicago

Bacterial Pathogenesis
Christine Szymanski, PhD
“Expect the unexpected with Campylobacter jejuni”
AITF iCORE Strategic Chair in Bacterial Glycomics University of Alberta

Biosafety & Biosecurity
Katie Flynn, BVMS, MRCVS
“Biosecurity at equine events-reality and science”
Equine Staff Veterinarian, Animal Health Branch
California Department of Food and Agriculture

Companion Animal Epidemiology;
Ecology and Management of Foodborne Agents;
Epidemiology and Animal Health Economics
Jonna Mazet, BS, DVM, MPVM, PhD
Professor, Medicine & Epidemiology
UC Davis Veterinary Medicine, University of California

Ray Waters, DVM, PhD
Affiliate Assistant Professor, VMPM; NADC, ARS
Iowa State University; USDA

Pathobiology of Enteric and Foodborne Diseases
Linda Saif, MS, PhD, Honorary Dipl ACVM
Distinguished Professor, Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine; Food Animal Health Research Program
The Ohio State University

Respiratory Diseases
Edouard Timsit, DVM, PhD, Dipl ECBHM
Assistant Professor, Department of Production Animal Health
University of Calgary

Vector-borne and Parasitic Diseases
Kevin R Macaluso, PhD
Professor, Pathobiological Sciences
Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine

2017 ACVM Distinguished Microbiologist Award
Michael W. Dryden, DVM, PhD, Dipl ACVM
“Theory and application of modern flea control”
University Distinguished Professor, Veterinary Parasitology
Kansas State University

2017 AVEPM Schwabe Symposium honored speaker
Ian Gardner, BVSC, MPVM, PhD
“Design, analysis and reporting of test accuracy studies in animals: progress, challenges and opportunities”
Epidemiology and Canada Excellence Research Chair
Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island
2017 Word Cloud
If you have never attended CRWAD, you may be wondering what this conference is about, or even what to call it (how many of you have asked, “Is it pronounced Crrr-Wod, or Crrr-Aaaad, or Craw-Dad, or what?”). For 98 years, this wonderful meeting has provided scientific experts and scientists-in-training a venue to present their work and learn about cutting edge research affecting the health of animals and the human-animal interface. Anyone that has attended can tell you that it is definitely a place where the scientific “cool kids” come to hear the latest in animal-related research! CRWAD 2017 will not be an exception; this year’s meeting will include over 400 presentations in a brief 3-day window. To capture the breadth and depth of this meeting in a word or phrase seems impossible! However, thanks to the creativity of folks at Wordle.net, we are letting a picture do the talking for us.

2017 Satellite Meetings
The following organizations are satellite organizations of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases. These organizations schedule their meetings to coincide with the CRWAD Annual Meeting. This year we will meet at the Chicago Marriott, Downtown Magnificent Mile, Chicago, Illinois, December 3–5, 2017.
The Following Organizations Are Listed Alphabetically.
American College of Veterinary Microbiologists (ACVM)
Distinguished Veterinary Microbiologist Award
Michael W. Dryden DVM, PhD, Dipl ACVM
“Theory and Application of Modern Flea Control”
University Distinguished Professor, Kansas State University
International Brucellosis Society Meeting
Saturday, Dec. 2, 8 AM – 5 PM.
Sunday, Dec. 3, 8 AM – 12 PM.
For more information contact Sue D. Hagius at [email protected]
NC–1202 Enteric Diseases of Food Animals: Enhanced Prevention, Control and Food Safety
Saturday, Dec. 2, 8 AM to 5 PM, Lincoleshire Room, 6th Floor
Sunday, Dec. 3, 8 AM to 12 PM, Lincoleshire Room, 6th Floor
Attendance is by invitation only.
For more information contact Jun Lin at [email protected]
NC229: Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Meeting
Sunday, Dec. 3, 1 PM – 4:30 PM.
USDA-NIFA Project Directors Meeting
Friday, Dec. 1, 8 AM – 8 PM, lunch provided
Oral and poster presentations by project directors with USDA-NIFA funding.
Meeting attendees by invitation only.
Contact: Dr. Peter Johnson or Dr. Margo Holland
CRWAD Organization Meetings
CRWAD Council Meeting: Saturday, Dec. 2, 5:30 PM to 9 PM, Great America Room, 6th Floor
CRWAD Opening Reception: Sunday, December 3, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, Grand Ballroom Salon III, 7th Floor.
Our 2017 Dedicatee will be introduced during the reception.
All attendees are welcome. Please join us. Casual wear recommended. The first poster session will coincide with the Researchers Reception.
CRWAD Students and Postdocs Reception: Sunday, December 3, 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM, Avenue Ballroom on the 4th Floor.
CRWAD Keynote Speakers, CRWAD Council Members, CRWAD Dedicatee, students and postdoc attendees are invited. Student and postdoc attendees should plan to attend both receptions. Contact Dr. David Benfield with questions.
CRWAD Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony: Tuesday, December 5, 11:45 AM to 12:30 PM, Chicago Ballroom A/B/C/D, 5th Floor
Dedication of the Meeting, and Graduate Student Awards Presentations. Students are encouraged to attend.