Expectations of Members and Participants:
CRWAD is dedicated to providing a welcoming environment for all members and conference participants. CRWAD promotes diversity and inclusion for all members of the scientific community, regardless of experience, age, gender, ethnicity, race, nationality, and any other characteristic. The members of CRWAD and the general public have a reasonable expectation that CRWAD officers, staff, and participants in CRWAD associated activities will act respectfully and ethically at all times when interacting with each other. In support of this ideal, CRWAD expects professional conduct from all participants at all times during its meetings and events. Material, language, or actions that ridicule, belittle, or degrade an individual or a group are unacceptable and considered in violation of these basic principles. If a participant in a CRWAD sponsored meeting or Partner Organization meeting engages in unprofessional conduct, CRWAD may take those actions it deems appropriate to protect the rights and safety of others.