Abstract Submission


    • Please carefully proofread your submission for accuracy, including names, and email addresses.
    • Carefully review and follow all instructions for formatting authors names, affiliations, abstract titles, and the abstract body.
    • All content is expected to be free of spelling and grammatical errors; use American English standards for spelling and punctuation.
    • If your abstract is accepted for presentation, the material that you submit will be distributed in Conference Schedules and Proceedings.
    • EMAIL ADDRESSES: We use email addresses to link abstract presenters to their registrations, and to link authors to all of their abstracts when preparing the proceedings. As such, please use exactly the same email address for individuals throughout the CRWAD submission and registration system.   If you are entering information for another person, please keep this in mind and ensure that you are entering the same email address as others.
    • The official language of CRWAD is English, and no translation of content to other languages will be available.
    • All accepted abstracts will be presented onsite in Chicago.
    • If you must secure a Visa to attend CRWAD 2025, you are strongly encouraged to meet the first abstract submission deadline (August 1, 2024) to maximize the time available to obtain the required travel documents.


Failure to adhere to these requirements may result in CRWAD organizers withdrawing abstracts for the current year and potentially embargoing authors from presenting in future years.


Abstract Instructions & Requirements

Visa Invitation Letter

July 1, 2024

  • Abstract Submission Opens
  • Poster Submission Opens
  • Student Award Opens
  • Travel Award Opens

October 1, 2024 at 11:59 pm EDT

  • Student Award Submission Deadline
  • Oral Presentation Submissions Deadline
  • Three Minute Thesis Submission Deadline

October 20, 2024 at 11:59 pm EDT

  • Deadline for Edits on All Accepted Abstracts

November 1, 2024 at 11:59 pm EDT

  • Poster Submissions Deadline

Terms and Conditions for Submitting and Presenting Abstracts at CRWAD.

    • By submitting an abstract, the presenter and all authors agree to the following terms and conditions for attendance and participation at CRWAD:
      • Authors must adhere to all requirements and guidelines for formatting CRWAD abstracts.
      • Promptly respond to all communication from CRWAD organizers.
      • Meet all requirements for uploading PPT presentations prior to CRWAD 2025.
      • Presenters agree to participate in the Conference as scheduled by the Conference program committee if abstracts are accepted. If you are not available to make this presentation, the presenter is responsible to schedule another person to present the accepted abstract as scheduled.
      • Promptly communicate with CRWAD organizers if any question or difficulty arises about the ability to present abstracts as scheduled.
      • Presenters must register for the Conference within 30 days abstracts are submitted.
      • Presenters are responsible for all expenses associated with creating and delivering your presentation at CRWAD, including securing travel arrangements, and required travel Visas.
      • All presenters agree to review and abide by the Conference Code of Conduct (https://crwad.org/code-of-conduct/).

Failure to adhere to these requirements may result in CRWAD organizers withdrawing abstracts for the current year and potentially embargoing authors from presenting in future years.

Our new secure dashboard links your abstract to your conference registration to assist you in keeping track of your next steps and deadlines.
Please take a moment to create your profile when you first access the system to ensure a smooth abstract submission and registration process.


Edit an Abstract


 To edit or review a previously submitted abstract: Follow same login process to the CRWAD dashboard, then click on the abstract manager link on the right, and then “I am an author”, and then “view my abstracts”. From there you can select the “action” wheel for the abstract in question and proceed with editing.

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